Panel: Subsidies and Regulations: How government initiatives may affect journalism and the digital media ecosystem
Welcome Session
Mallary Tenore, associate director, Knight Center
Rosental Alves, ISOJ founder and chair, School of Journalism and Media, University of Texas at Austin
Jay Bernhardt, dean, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin
Alberto Ibargüen, President and CEO, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Opening panel: Coming of Age: Nonprofit online journalism attracts big investments and creates sustainable models
Chair: Evan Smith, co-founder and CEO, The Texas Tribune
Mukhtar Ibrahim, publisher & CEO, Sahan Journal
Imtiaz Patel, CEO, The Venetoulis Institute for Local Journalism/The Baltimore Banner
Ann Stern, president & CEO, Houston Endowment
Nykia Wright, president & CEO, Chicago Sun-Times
Keynote session: Challenges and opportunities for journalism in times of crises, disinformation and digital disruption
Chair: Kathleen McElroy, director, Moody College’s School of Journalism and Media, University of Texas at Austin
Keynote Speaker: Katrice Hardy, executive editor, Dallas Morning News
Panel: Hype or not, how and when will web3 (blockchain/NFTs) and metaverse (AR/VR/XR) impact journalism?
Chair: Emily Bell, professor & director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School
Maria Bustillos, editor-in-chief,
Jarno M. Koponen, head of AI & Personalization, Yle News Lab (Finland)
Ray Soto, senior director, emerging tech, Gannett, USA Today Network
Google Tools for Journalists: Lunch workshops offered by Google News Initiative
English Workshop:
Marco Túlio Pires, News Lab lead, Brazil, Google
Spanish Workshop:
Juan Manuel Lucero, News Lab lead for Spanish Latin America, Google
News and AI (#ISOJ Journal peer-reviewed research panel)
Chair: Amy Schmitz Weiss, ISOJ research chair, San Diego State University
Co-Chair/Discussant: Seth Lewis, professor, director of Journalism Program, University of Oregon
Patrick Howe, Christine Robertson, Lindsay Grace, and Foaad Khosmood, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo & University of Miami: Exploring Reporter-Desired Features for an AI-Generated Legislative News Tip Sheet
Daniel Trielli and Nicholas Diakopoulos,Northwestern University: Algorithmic Agenda Setting: The Shape of Search Media During the 2020 US Election
Colin Porlezza and Giulia Ferri, Institute of Media and Journalism IMeG, University Della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland: The Missing Piece: Ethics and the Ontological Boundaries of Automated Journalism
Factchecking en español: Latin America, Spain and a new initiative for the United States’ Spanish-speaking communities
Chair: Bill Adair, Knight Professor, Duke University, creator, PolitiFact
Tamoa Calzadilla, director, ElDetector, Univision
Clara Jimenez Cruz, cofounder and CEO, (Spain)
Natalia Guerrero, managing editor, Factchequeado
Laura Zommer, executive director, Chequeado (Argentina)
Keynote session: Key Questions for Journalists Seeking to Reinvent Journalism for our Digital Age
Chair: Sue Cross, executive director and CEO, Institute for Nonprofit News
Keynote Speaker: Richard Gingras, global vice president of news, Google
Panel: Subscriptions, events and multiple products: Strategies to diversify revenue streams of news organizations
Chair: Felicitas Carrique, executive director, News Product Alliance
April Brumley Hinkle, chief revenue officer, The Texas Tribune
Janine Warner, cofounder, SembraMedia, ICFJ Knight Fellow
Panel: Subsidies and Regulations: How government initiatives may affect journalism and the digital media ecosystem
Chair: Emily Bell, professor & director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School
David Skok, CEO and editor-in-chief, The Logic, (Canada)
Sarah Stonbely, research director, Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University
Steven Waldman,president and co-founder, Report for America
Research breakfast
Chair: Amy Schmitz Weiss, ISOJ research chair and professor, School of Journalism & Media Studies, San Diego State University
Jessica Renee Collier, postdoctoral research fellow, Center for Media Engagement, UT Austin
Gina M. Masullo, associate professor/associate director, Center for Media Engagement, UT Austin
Caroline Murray, research associate, Center for Media Engagement, UT Austin
Talia Stroud, professor/director, Center for Media Engagement, UT Austin
Breakfast workshop: The need for digital provenance: How the Content Authenticity Initiative is addressing mis/disinformation
Santiago Lyon, CAI’s Head of Advocacy and Education, Adobe
Keynote Session: News: What is it, who is it for, and how can we rethink it for the digital era?
Chair: Neil Chase, CEO, CalMatters
Keynote speaker: Gina Chua, incoming executive editor, Semafor
Panel: Diversity in newsrooms and in the news: Cultural change, content audits and other initiatives
Chair: Manny Garcia, executive-editor, Austin American-Statesman
Charo Henríquez, editor, newsroom development and support, The New York Times
Flavia Lima, editor of diversity, Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil)
Keith Woods, chief diversity officer, NPR
Panel: Recreating the local news ecosystem with new models, networking and collaboration
Chair: Jim Brady, vice president/journalism, Knight Foundation
Ken Doctor, CEO and founder, Lookout Santa Cruz
Liz Dwyer, managing director, Word In Black
Jeff Elgie, CEO, Village Media (Canada)
Jamie Stockwell, executive editor, Axios Local
Tools and resources for local news organizations – Lunch workshop, offered by Knight Foundation
Chair: Karen Rundlet, director/journalism, Knight Foundation
Fernando Diaz,Publisher Solutions, Newspack by Automattic
Emily Dresslar, director, Texas Tribune’s RevLab
Lisa Heyamoto, director of teaching & learning, LION Publishers
Keynote Session: The role of journalism when democracy is at risk
Chair: Borja Echevarría, managing editor, El País (Spain)
Keynote speaker: Jorge Ramos, news anchor, Univision Noticias
Lightning sessions: Online journalism and press freedom in Asia and Latin America
Chair: Ann Marie Lipinski, curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard
Bao Choy, independent journalist, Hong Kong
Pranav Dixit, technology reporter, BuzzFeed News, India
Jorge Caraballo Cordovez, journalist, Colombia
María Lilly Delgado, independent journalist, Nicaragua
Patricia Laya, bureau chief, Bloomberg News, Venezuela
José Luis Sanz, correspondent, El Faro, El Salvador
Natalia Viana, cofounder and executive director, Agência Pública, Brazil
Panel: Mental health and the wellbeing of journalists in an era of online harassment, extreme polarization, denialism and pandemic
Chair: Avery Holton, chair, Department of Communication, University of Utah
Valerie Belair-Gagnon, director, Minnesota Journalism Center, University of Minnesota
Elana Newman, McFarlin Professor of Psychology, University of Tulsa, research director, Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Luisa Ortiz Pérez, executive director & cofounder,
Hannah Storm, founding director, Headlines Network (U.K.)
Panel: Audio journalism and social audio: Listen up, it’s a new frontier of digital storytelling
Chair: Tamar Charney, editorial strategist, formerly with NPR
Sarah Feldberg, editor for emerging products and audio, San Francisco Chronicle
Nina Gregory, head of news and media publishers, Clubhouse
Rebeca Ibarra, host and producer, The Refresh, Insider
Maggie Penman, executive producer, Post Reports, The Washington Post